The SSI Dive Course Jakarta Network

Scuba school International is a worldwide diver certification agency and educational support organization. Regocnized as an innovative leader in diver education, we create state of the art training programs, training standards, and materials for all levels of diver education. With SSI ‘s exclusive water training method, Comfort through repetition, and personalized instructor, you will experience the satisfaction of becoming comfortable and proficient with your equipment and scuba skill.

Scuba Schools International

Scuba Diving School Jakarta - ( SSI ) is an organization that teaches the skills involved in scuba diving and freediving, and supports dive businesses and resorts. SSI has over 2,500 authorized dealers, 35 regional centers, and offices all over the world. Founded in 1970, SSI was one of the pioneers of professional scuba training. They were the first organization to present a complete training program including full motion video and they pioneered some areas of diving education.

Open Water Diver

The SSI Open Water Diver is your first ticket to the underwater world. It will enable you to dive in place you love in the world. This courses introduce you to the fully basic step diver certification, which are: 1. Knowledge development 2. Practice in swimming pool 3. Open Water session

Requirement : Minimum age 10 years old, Fit to dive and have basic swimming ability.

Specialty Diver

To earn the certification for Specialty Diver, you must complete 2 specialty programs and have completed a total of 12 dives. This is higher than any other agency’s advanced programs for your fun and safety!

Advanced Open Water Diver

SSI’s Advanced Diver rating stands alone in the industry with the highest combination of diving knowledge, skills, and experience. No other agency’s advanced diver level compares. To earn the certification for Advanced Open Water Diver, you must complete 4 specialty programs and have completed a total of 24 dives.

Master Diver

SSI’s Master Diver is one of the most elite ratings in diving today. Divers that have completed this level have combined the know ledge and experience to call themselves Master Divers. To earn the certification for Master Diver, you must complete 4 specialty courses, stress & rescue, and have completed 50 dives.

"..Guerilla Dive INDONESIA | Dive Course Jakarta | Scuba Schools International | Dive School Jakarta | Latihan Belajar Diving | Latihan Belajar Scuba Diving Jakarta.."

Kursus Diving di Jakarta | Latihan Belajar Diving

Anda ingin Belajar Diving di Jakarta atau mencari tempat Kursus Diving murah di Jakarta, Mencari tempat Belajar Diving untuk pemula, Les Private Selam ataupun Latihan Diving di Jakarta, Kepulauan Seribu dan Raja Ampat? Selain Fun Dive, anda pun bisa mencoba Try Scuba Diving ataupun Discovery Dive di Dive Resort kami di Panun Misool Raja Ampat. Guerilla Dive - Pusat tempat Kursus Diving menyelam di Jakarta dan Pelatihan Belajar Scuba Diving di Pulau Seribu, Indonesia. Kursus Diving di Jakarta, Belajar Diving di Jakarta, Kursus Scuba Diving Jakarta, Belajar Scuba Diving Jakarta, Pelatihan Diving dan Latihan Diving di Jakarta adalah specialty kami...

"Guerilla Dive Indonesia | Dive Trip | Diving Raja Ampat | Kursus Diving Murah Jakarta | Belajar Diving Untuk Pemula | Diving Misool Papua | Belajar Diving Jakarta | Diving"